Two of Spades Karma Cousin
The exact position of the Six of Spades in the Spiritual Spread is Mars in the Neptune line. There will be a fight either for or against the fulfillment of the mission. It is a call to action in the realm of idealism. If you choose to turn it into action for self-interest, bubble-chasing, and schemes for getting rich quickly, you have no one to blame but yourself for the inevitable descent into confusion and final disaster. The Two of Spades replacing the Six of Spades in the Mundane spread represents cooperation. You will find fulfilling in the union and rhythm in the work. It indicates an excellent ability to live strictly on a constructive basis, and to avoid self-indulgence at the expense of work and duty. There is a willingness to serve regardless of remuneration. Three Spades cards in the Neptune line symbolize idealism and a tendency to be thrown out of balance, but underneath you are guided by High Intelligence and blessed with riches, a resurrection is in the making. Only wise know what lies beyond maya, the veil of appearances.
Two of Spades Quotes

Two represents Union - the Father-Mother Principle, and so cooperation and association. Two (2) are always in eternal search for their other half - their complement. Two is a card of peacemaker. They understand the law of harmony and desire to balance their life and those around them. They may feel incomplete without someone to share their love, ideals, wealth or work. Symbolically, the prime challenge of Twos is fear, fear of being alone, but on a higher place, they just feel unhappy where there is a lack of harmony or evidence of disapproval. Twos are very sensitive and could appear a bit shy and perceptive. It also gives them developed intuition, patience and the ability to nurture others. The happy Twos are those, who accept their needs in a complimentary relationship and go to create them. That gives them freedom to be the way they are, instead of being compelled into addictive behavior patterns.Spades