Biorhythms Calculator


Biological Clock Patterns

Biological clocks are an integral and indispensable part of life on Earth, from the most primitive one-celled organisms to human beings. The Moon orbits the Earth once every 27.322 days. One complete orbit of Earth around the Sun takes 365.256 days. Rhythms occur in all material objects; in animals, plants, and microbial organisms. Chronobiology studies how biological timing regulates every function of life; on cellular, organic, and functional levels. It weaves together strands of inquiry from biology, psychology, and genetics. As much as all aware of how our body is affected by natural rhythms as the night-day cycles, seasons, and tides, a notion of people under the control of a clock seemed irreverent in the past.

By the 20th century, when scientists discovered the daily pattern on blood pressure, they began to think about other practical implications of rhythms, for example, sleep or hormonal cycles. In the 70s, the basic research was done on all types of organisms, plants, and animals. More or less, scientists started to pay more attention to timing variations.

Our brain and nervous system, for example, react to stimuli in a minimum of 0.5 to 0.8 seconds. No surprise, the average heartbeat is 0.8 seconds, almost the same as the movements of our hands and legs when we walk. How fast are our senses? Our brain recognizes a sound in 0.05 seconds. It takes 0.2 seconds to understand the light that reaches our eye.

Daily or "circadian" cycles affect our cells in certain patterns. Maximum measures of the body temperature and blood pressure occur at 6 PM, body weight at 8 PM, the tidal (lung) volume at 1 PM, the number of leukocytes is the highest at 11 PM. The most important cycle is the cycle of body temperature because it affects metabolism. It's been proven that lowering body temperature can readjust our physiological rhythms and extend the lifespan by around 15% (observed in mice experiments.) When the body temperature increases (fever), the human biological clock speed up.

Blood flow velocity changes twice a day; it decreases around 1 PM and 9 PM. During these periods, an excess of physical activities is not recommended. Our brain functions the best early morning. The blood glucose is at its max between 9 and 10 AM. When it drops in the afternoon, we feel tired and need rest. At 1 PM, the energy decreases and our reaction become slower; that's the lowest point in a daily cycle. After 2 PM, our energy increases, our senses sharpen; the best time for a food-intake.

On 4 PM, the third cycle begins. It's the best time for athletic training because body craves physical activity while emotional energy is slowly fading.

After 6 PM the blood pressure increases, and we become more nervous and prone to conflicts. Often, headaches occur after six.

After 7 PM, the body weight is at its daily maximum, and reactions are quicker than usual. 8 PM and later is best for long-term memory tasks.

The seasonal rhythms also affect our biological functions.

Biorhythms. How Does it Work?

Biorhythms may sound like biological rhythms, but they are not considered to be a part of chronobiology in the United States. However, chronobiologists worldwide continue to research the triads of rhythms in an attempt to understand and use the patterns for practical purposes, for example, in criminalistics, logistics, road safety, work environment, and in sports. In 1970s America, the biorhythms charts were everywhere. Dallas Cowboys invested in the computerized scouting the most. The first year of testing the biorhythms culminated in a 27-10 Super Bowl victory over the Denver Broncos. There were tons of experiments done in the athletic world to prove that biorhythms can predict critical days and "lucky" days. The theory was debunked by Hines, claiming that it lacks the multiple outs. So, what it all about?

All of us have our physical, emotional, and intellectual (mental) "cycles." According to theory, they run 23, 28, and 33 days respectively, started at the time of birth. There are two main periods, positive and negative. Where your physical "curve" is up, you feel more energetic and can take on physical tasks impossible when the physical index falls below zero. The critical days occur when the cycles run in reversal, from plus to minus or from minus to plus. The direction of a change doesn't matter. On a critical day, the flow of energy drastically shifts. The most dangerous time occurs when two or more cycles change their dispositions around zero points. It doesn't mean that bad things will happen to you on critical days; it means that you better be careful. On critical days, the energy becomes uncontrollable.

According to criminalistic research of biorhythms, more often people plead guilty on their critical days. Most likely, it happens due to the loss of control over emotional reactions. It's difficult to calm yourself down or get hold of rational senses when you are frustrated, angry or irritated. You can shift your attentional focus away from negative emotions when your intellectual rhythms are "up," but a phase change is never easy. It's best to avoid critical days to make important decisions, visit unsafe places, or get involved in unpredictable situations. Knowing your bio-calendar can most likely reduce certain risks; it also helps us to realize that having bad days from time to time is okay. All of us have those, no matter how cheery it looks on Facebook. Keeping in mind, that to wish is to hope, and to hope is to expect, lowering your expectations with a healthy degree of skepticism can add to a happier version of you.

Also, getting your time of birth into an equation can offer better timing for a phase change.

The formula for calculating the biorhythms is fairly simple, and theory has limited scientific proof. However, it works. Check it out and let us know.

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Quote of the Day
Arnold Schwarzenegger “Help others and give something back. I guarantee you will discover that while public service improves the lives and the world around you, its greatest reward is the enrichment and new meaning it will bring your own life.” - Arnold Schwarzenegger