Ten of Clubs Karma Card
In your past lives, you have developed healthy mental attitudes and established security by stabilizing, controlling your emotions and reactions to the events in life. As a result, you appear strong internally. 10 of Clubs symbolizes knowledge, its acquisition, and dissemination. It stands for mental processes, approaches, and reactions, ideas and communication, education and mind-training. You can easily apply your knowledge in practical ways. You have no trouble establishing a right sense of values.
Ten of Clubs Quotes

The number 10 is number of Evolution, opening the door to the next level of our journey in consciousness. It is the greatest number, the grand summit of all the numbers. Ten are like Aces, but on the higher level. If your birthday identifies you with Ten, you have all qualities of preceding number from One to Nine. So if any number can assure you for success it is number Ten. Depending on suit, your may find the success through expression in love-power, mind-power, material power and work-related, wisdom power. Ten is the number of Leader. You may help others to find their success as well. You have a tremendous potential to success. People who associated with number Ten are able to excel with little or no efforts, and this ability may create a problem with self discipline, which will be your biggest challenge in life.Clubs