What Is Your Birth Card?

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Ten of Clubs
Birth Card
Five of Clubs
Five of Clubs
Ace of Clubs
Jack of Spades
Karma Card
Four of Spades
Karma Cousin

Ten of Clubs Birth Card

Ten of ClubsTens are called "Success" Cards - Fully Accomplished. Pythagoreans say that the number Ten represents Deity, Heaven, Eternity, and the Sun. Ten starts a new cycle - the cycle of man's Aspiration. Ten of Clubs find their success in the mental field and secure it by sharing their knowledge.

Ten of Clubs is the first card in the Crown line. It holds a tremendous potential along with talent and leadership, which suggests that people born under the Ten Of Clubs birth card can become successful in just about anything they put their mind to. Their effort may win them worldly acclaim. The Ten Of Clubs high position places them above traditional concepts and lifestyles and gives them freedom of being anyone and anything they want. Applying personal discipline opens up beautiful possibilities represented by this birth card.

Ten Of Clubs are often A-grade students and can excel in any study. But they also learn early that freedom of action is brought to people through the wealth and their position in life. Whatever childhood circumstances are, they are to help the Ten of Clubs person to develop a correct sense of values, to establish the right attitude toward money and its proper use. This sense of values makes Ten of Clubs a tendency to associate with successful people and people in high rank throughout their entire life. The Ten of Clubs is a Crown Card. Ten Of Clubs people are intelligent and smart, and they respect the value of intelligence and mental superiority in others.

Ten of Clubs are very sensitive to public opinion, fear criticism and disapproval. There is often a lack of self-confidence, but there is no good reason for it. Once they realize their true power and their most significant asset - and that is knowledge - they find true happiness.

There is always the power to make money unless they don't put enough efforts into it. Ten of Clubs natives have great intuition and should use it in choosing the most suitable line of work. The greatest success lies in the mental field. Sometimes called a "Teacher" card, Ten Of Clubs have a tremendous pool of knowledge, and sharing it with others can bring great satisfaction into their lives. If the knowledge is applied to high motives, their need is supplied from the "Limitless Substance." There is seldom any lack of supply.

Ten of Clubs Quotes

Charles Bukowski “There are worse things than being alone but it often takes decades to realize this and most often when you do it's too late and there's nothing worse than too late.” - Charles Bukowski

Famous Ten of Clubs

Ten of Clubs Birthdays

Gemini, Taurus
Ten of Clubs Planetary Ruling Card Ten of Clubs Decanate Card Ten of Clubs Year Card Ten of Clubs Karma Card Ten of Clubs Karma Cousin


The number 10 is number of Evolution, opening the door to the next level of our journey in consciousness. It is the greatest number, the grand summit of all the numbers. Ten are like Aces, but on the higher level. If your birthday identifies you with Ten, you have all qualities of preceding number from One to Nine. So if any number can assure you for success it is number Ten. Depending on suit, your may find the success through expression in love-power, mind-power, material power and work-related, wisdom power. Ten is the number of Leader. You may help others to find their success as well. You have a tremendous potential to success. People who associated with number Ten are able to excel with little or no efforts, and this ability may create a problem with self discipline, which will be your biggest challenge in life.


Each suit represents one of our stages of life. Clubs correspond with our school years, the Summer season, the element Air - the functioning mind of man. Clubs are the guardians of intelligence and rule all mental processes, all psychological reactions, all communications, and messages. They argue, debate, spread the news, investigate, record. Clubs rule all forms of education, legal matters, literature and journalism. If your birthday identifies you as a Club, your prime asset is your mind. People who born as Clubs are interested in ideas and ways of communication. They are looking for truth - in and out. They strive to know facts, details and reasons behind anything happen in life. This vital search for knowledge give them the quality of a "thinker". They are able to counteract their emotions and feeling and solve any issue in an effective and rational manner. Clubs are very active and aggressive especially when they want to express their ideas and thoughts. Their prime weapon in life is their mind, and someone attacking their ideas may become the greatest enemy. You will do well in occupations which provide you with opportunity to share your knowledge, mental power with others - such as teaching, law, writing and counseling.
October 24, 2024
Jack of Hearts
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