Jack of Spades Karma Card
Jack of Spades are the "divine androgynes" - the Christ-nature toward which we are evolving. As a Karma card, it suggests the danger of fixation. The firmness in the Jack of Spades and adherence to principle are well worthy of emulation, but the Ten of Clubs can go astray through stubbornness. Extremes in pride can take its toll on your relationships with others. The high place of your Birth Card expands the responsibilities of the Jack of Spades, which is spiritual initiation into a realm of higher power.
Jack of Spades Quotes

Jack is a prince of Royal Family. It gives you a certain abilities, including mental creativity, freedom from limitations, and the opportunity to dig into the royal treasury. Jack is also considered immature card, and you must prove your greatness by taking more responsibility. Jacks are youthful, enthusiastic and often talented. You like to live by your own rules which created the Jack reputation of being the playboys and playgirls of the deck. Women with Jack card have an aggressive quality, kind of man's mind. Men may go extremes from being almost feminine to the dictatorial attitudes. Jack are given the power, and with exercising more control, discipline and mastering the right application of your power makes Jack very successful leaders, artists, performers, politicians etc.Spades