Quotes » Ace of Diamonds quotes

Ace of Diamonds Quotes

Bill Oreilly “Yeah, I'm obnoxious, yeah, I cut people off, yeah, I'm rude. You know why? Because you're busy.” - Bill Oreilly
In topics: people | Lovers Quotes | Ace of Diamonds Quotes |
Carmen Electra “I'm more attracted to a stronger man rather than a feminine man. Someone who would just throw me down and take control. I love feeling helpless. I definitely like a man who is aggressive and confident.” - Carmen Electra
In topics: someone | love | more | like | down | take | feeling | throw | control | Chariot Quotes | Ace of Diamonds Quotes |
July 26, 2024
Two of Clubs
Card of the Day
Two of Clubs

Quote of the Day
Carl Jung “We cannot change anything until we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses.” - Carl Jung