Quotes » Intelligence quotes

Intelligence Quotes

Stephen Hawking “Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.” - Stephen HawkingIn topics: ability | change | intelligence | Chariot Quotes | Six of Spades Quotes |
Arthur Clarke “My favorite definition of an intellectual: "Someone who has been educated beyond his/her intelligence."” - Arthur Clarke
In topics: someone | intellectual | intelligence | favorite | definition | Magician Quotes | Two of Clubs Quotes |
Winston Churchill “Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential.” - Winston Churchill
In topics: strength | potential | intelligence | effort | Chariot Quotes | Three of Hearts Quotes |
Thomas A Edison “I know this world is ruled by infinite intelligence. Everything that surrounds us- everything that exists - proves that there are infinite laws behind it. There can be no denying this fact. It is mathematical in its precision.” - Thomas A Edison
In topics: world | behind | infinite | intelligence | laws | fact | precision | Seven of Wands Quotes | Ace of Spades Quotes |
January 18, 2025
Nine of Diamonds
Card of the Day
Nine of Diamonds

Quote of the Day
Albert Einstein “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” - Albert Einstein