What Is Your Birth Card?

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Ace of Diamonds
Birth Card
Three of Clubs
Five of Hearts
Two of Diamonds
Karma Card
Ace of Hearts
Karma Cousin

Ace of Diamonds Birth Card

Ace of DiamondsLeadership abilities, passion, and high ambitions drive the Ace of Diamonds to the top positions at work and business. The Ace of Diamonds possesses great self-motivating energy, unstoppable attitude, quick mind and creative nature. The most significant question from an early age is how do you draw the line between your professional and personal life. What is more critical - ambitions or love?

The Ace of Diamonds people is often very secretive about their personal life. They certainly prefer to stay away from emphasizing it, but in reality, their quest for love might be more important than all other desires. They need to obtain a firm will and strong character as early as possible, and if they do, there is nothing can keep the Ace of Diamonds person away from success.

The Ace of Diamonds are bright and intelligent, and often can get by on own "wits," but good habits of self-discipline and study could be an incredible asset to achieve their objectives. They are quickly getting bored of the routine. Their creative energy leads Ace of Diamonds to change places, jobs, enterprises exposing the deep need to experience life to its full extent. In the professional life, the Ace Of Diamonds learns in the way of trials and errors. When given a choice between two jobs, two businesses, two ventures, it may take them a while to decide which idea to follow, and often they are willing to gamble for both.

The Ace of Diamonds has an extraordinary gift - the ability to influence people with their winning charm and the appeal of "universal love" that inevitably wins them honors and public recognition. Millions of ideas circulating through their brain can be expressed in writing, publishing, public speeches, movie making, anything that helps to promote their unusual theories to the world.

It is easier to be an Ace of Diamonds man than a woman. Ace of Diamonds natives need more personal space than anyone else, and suppressing their independence and talents in traditional marriage can be devastating to their appreciation of life. Someone who can understand the Ace of Diamonds spectacular character and love them just the way they are will encourage their dominant nature, assertiveness and the ability to face challenges head-on.

Ace of Diamonds Quotes

Bill Oreilly “Yeah, I'm obnoxious, yeah, I cut people off, yeah, I'm rude. You know why? Because you're busy.” - Bill Oreilly

April 20 Famous Birthdays

Famous Ace of Diamonds

Ace of Diamonds Birthdays

Taurus, Aries
Ace of Diamonds Planetary Ruling Card Ace of Diamonds Decanate Card Ace of Diamonds Year Card Ace of Diamonds Karma Card Ace of Diamonds Karma Cousin


Ace suit suggests a strong sense of independence, desire to excel and to lead. It is the most ambitious card and can bring those who identified with it to the greatest heights. "Dream the impossible dream" is the deepest motivation of these people, and the hidden motive is self-acceptance. Ace promotes masculine energy expressed as action and accomplishment. Aces represent Desire. It can be desire to love, knowledge, wealth or wisdom. Aces aren't usually know for their patience, because they have so much to accomplish in this lifetime and so little time to do it and there's no time to stay and look inside themselves, or waiting for others. They may appear selfish at times, but it comes from a compelling urge for freedom and action, and preoccupation to establish their own identity.


Each suit represents one of our stages of life. Diamonds correspond with an adulthood, career and money-making years, the Fall season and the element Water. Even when children Diamonds like to be treated as adults. Diamonds stand for the Power of values, material wealth. Symbolically, Diamonds are like a jewel, a stone that allows the light to pass through with practically with no loss. You can say Diamonds stand for the money, but actually they stand for Values. It includes all spectrum of human values including spiritual worth. Diamonds work out the conception of values through all their lives. They know that everything and everyone in life has its price. They make the best promoters and sellers for things with a high-rank value according to their beliefs. Diamonds like to spend money, but at some time on another they realize that all material wealth doesn't buy the true happiness. Diamonds rule merchants, manufacturers, big businesses, producers, investors, bankers and world traders. Diamonds rule 131 birthdays. The ruling planet is Jupiter.
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Jack of Hearts
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