“I must live my life, not yours, my friend,
For so it was written down;
We must follow our given paths to the end,
But I trust we shall meet - in town.” - Ella Wilcox
In topics: trust | have | first | betrayal | Hermit Quotes | Three of Diamonds Quotes | “I think women have an innate ability to be intuitive with people that they truly love, but they have to trust that inner voice, and I think it is there. I think we are more intuitive than men.” - Andie Macdowell
In topics: best | trust | find | somebody | Magician Quotes | Seven of Clubs Quotes | “I do not trust people who don't love themselves and yet tell me, "I love you." There is an African saying which is: Be careful when a naked person offers you a shirt.” - Maya Angelou
“What may seem depressing or even tragic to one person may seem like an absolute scream to another person, especially if he has had between four and seven beers.” - Dave Barry