Quotes » Greatness quotes

Greatness Quotes

L Ron Hubbard “Happiness and strength endure only in the absence of hate. To hate alone is the road to disaster. To love is the road to strength. To love in spite of all is the secret of greatness. And may very well be the greatest secret in this universe.” - L Ron Hubbard
In topics: happiness | love | hate | well | strength | universe | secret | absence | road | disaster | spite | greatness | Magician Quotes | Ten of Diamonds Quotes |
July 27, 2024
Ace of Clubs
Card of the Day
Ace of Clubs

Quote of the Day
Jodie Foster “It's an interesting combination: Having a great fear of being alone, and having a desperate need for solitude and the solitary experience. That's always been a tug of war for me.” - Jodie Foster