Elizabeth Banks

Elizabeth Banks

Elizabeth Banks (Elizabeth Irene Mitchell) is an American actress. Banks made her film debut in the low-budget independent film Surrender Dorothy. She is best known for her roles in the films Definitely, Maybe, Zack and Miri Make a Porno, W., Role Models, Wet Hot American Summer, and The Uninvited. She co-starred as Effie Trinket in the film adaptation of Suzanne Collins' novel, The Hunger Games, released on March 23, 2012.

On television, Banks had a recurring role of Avery Jessup on the sitcom 30 Rock, which gained her a nomination for an Emmy Award. Previously, Banks had starred in the recurring role of Dr. Kim Briggs on Scrubs from 2006 to 2009.

In category: Actors
Two of Spades
Birth Card

Birthday: February 10, 1974

Two of Spades   Life Path: 33/6   Attitude: 12/3

February 10 Famous Birthdays

Two of Spades Famous Birthdays

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