Nine of Clubs Karma Card
The Nine of Clubs signifies obstacles to mental control. Your life sequence is extremely lucky, but you might not fully appreciate what you have because of the influence of your karma card, 9 of Clubs. The number 9 is universal. It is a finisher, and also the beginning. It tears down, sweeps away, and terminates, but it is never lost because it always reproduces itself. It destroys, and it fulfills. The 9 of Clubs may feel like frustration and disappointment, which primarily generated by your mind. At times, you may feel like a victim of circumstances. You may feel like people taking advantage of your views. But as a fact, you must share your ideas with others for more to come. The Nine of Clubs suggest an intuitive and brilliant mind. You can turn your ideas into profitable ventures by staying detached and developing patience. Resist letting your irritability or frustration cloud your judgment. To fully use your mighty intellect, you need to keep realistic and adopt the right values.
The number 9 signified the Completion of a cycle - it completed the circle of number one through nine. Nine include all numbers and all planets, therefore it stand as a Universal Number. It can symbolize the lifetime of fulfillment, when Nine is dedicated to service - anywhere, everywhere, to anyone. Because of its size of extension, Nine is the most emotional influence we have to deal with. Nines love more than the rest - and they suffer more; they give more than the rest - and leaves them more deprived; they are more idealistic than the rest - and they become more disillusioned. Nines are being given so much from their birth, that it is their mission to establish Universal Love and the Brotherhood of Man. Nines come to this world to experience the power of letting go. They might learn from an early childhood that there are either relationship, beliefs, values or personal power must be given away. It is one of the most difficult but also the most fulfilling number of all. Once accessed the power of letting go, Nines are happy and carefree. They don't get attached to people and things in life. They see themselves as a part of big picture and feel in tune with the cosmic flow.Clubs
Each suit represents one of our stages of life. Clubs correspond with our school years, the Summer season, the element Air - the functioning mind of man. Clubs are the guardians of intelligence and rule all mental processes, all psychological reactions, all communications, and messages. They argue, debate, spread the news, investigate, record. Clubs rule all forms of education, legal matters, literature and journalism. If your birthday identifies you as a Club, your prime asset is your mind. People who born as Clubs are interested in ideas and ways of communication. They are looking for truth - in and out. They strive to know facts, details and reasons behind anything happen in life. This vital search for knowledge give them the quality of a "thinker". They are able to counteract their emotions and feeling and solve any issue in an effective and rational manner. Clubs are very active and aggressive especially when they want to express their ideas and thoughts. Their prime weapon in life is their mind, and someone attacking their ideas may become the greatest enemy. You will do well in occupations which provide you with opportunity to share your knowledge, mental power with others - such as teaching, law, writing and counseling.