Quotes » Richard Feynman quotes

Richard Feynman Quotes

Richard Feynman

Richard Phillips Feynman was an American physicist known for his work in the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics, the theory of quantum electrodynamics and the physics of the superfluidity

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Richard Feynman “I think it's much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers which might be wrong.” - Richard Feynman
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December 22, 2024
Nine of Hearts
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Nine of Hearts

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Molly Ivins “Margaret Atwood, the Canadian novelist, once asked a group of women at a university why they felt threatened by men. The women said they were afraid of being beaten, raped, or killed by men. She then asked a group of men why they felt threatened by women. They said they were afraid women would laugh at them.” - Molly Ivins