What Is Your Birth Card?

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Seven of Hearts
Birth Card
Five of Spades
Five of Spades
Eight of Hearts
Karma Card
Ace of Spades
Karma Cousin

Seven of Hearts Karma Cousin

Seven of HeartsDouble influence of the most mystical numbers, number 7, is accented by the Seven of Hearts as a Karma Cousin, giving you the ability to rise above the petty emotional attitudes associated with this card and translate the beautiful heart energy into loving inspiration. Seven is a holy number, the pause to see all is good that is, perfect. It is this requirement of perfection that we can't quite live up to, this rest and pause-for-examination to which most people refuse to give the time. Living from that Will, supported by its unfailing Wisdom and Understanding, mine is the Victorious Life. Eight of Hearts have an innate ability to live by that Will, Wisdom, and Understanding, and living this way brings you Victory.

Seven of Hearts Quotes

Bill Gates “Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose.” - Bill Gates

Famous Seven of Hearts

Seven of Hearts Birthdays

Seven of Hearts Planetary Ruling Card Seven of Hearts Decanate Card Seven of Hearts Year Card Seven of Hearts Karma Card Seven of Hearts Karma Cousin


The number 7 is the most mystical of all numbers. Seven is the number of a Soul and symbolizes "Spiritual Victory", quest for higher truth. In silence, peace and self-examination we go toward perfection. In criticism of others, suspicion, judgment, and sharp practice, we create our own obstacles and difficulties. Sevens are highly intuitive. They has a reservoir of inspired wisdom combined with inherited analytical ability, which could reward them through expressions of spiritual leadership, business analysis, marketing, artistic visions, and scientific research. Operating on spiritual side of their individuality can bring Sevens to the great heights, and drop them off if they neglect their true spiritual identity.


Each suit represents one of our stages of life. Hearts correspond with our childhood - Spring season, the element Fire, the Youth and Love. Hearts represent early association with family and friends, first love. As a Fire, Hearts are able to sacrifice for country, family, friend, cause. Hearst rule art, music, poetry, any pursuit of beauty in any form. Hearts signify emotions. They rule closest relationships: parent-child, love, marriage, friendship. People who born under the influence of Hearts suit act and look very young. They are opt to be dramatic and entertaining. They are very romantic, idealistic in love, and highly sensitive. Hearts make the most affectionate lovers and friends. Their sensual nature can make them among the greatest artists, poets and musicians.
February 9, 2025
Three of Spades
Card of the Day
Three of Spades

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