Eight of Diamonds Karma Cousin
As the Queen of Spades, your true place in the spiritual spread is Jupiter Card in Sun position. It offers qualities like optimism, faith, luck, and generosity. Despite some extravagances, you are responsible and just. Through using your authority with care and following your intuition, you can attain remarkable results in life.
Eight of Diamonds Quotes

The Number 8 is the number of Power. Some of the early Mystic School taught that the number Eight as a number of God will bring the man evil. Now we know that it is not true. Eight is the first FREE number. People associated with this number can expand in any direction, according to their will and the set of values. They always bring the power with them. They may turn the power to evil uses if they choose but they are free. They reflect the God's plan but they are not bound by it. You are fortunate if your birthday identified by Eight. Eight brings protection and symbolized the action and overcoming, a passion for justice. Eights belong to the position of authority. They have an inherent courage and endurance to accomplish "The Impossible Dream". With the power comes responsibility. Eights hold the keys to the material world, and they have a spiritual responsibility for this gift.Diamonds