Quotes » Proceeds quotes

Proceeds Quotes

Ayn Rand “Happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievement of one's values.” - Ayn Rand
In topics: happiness | proceeds | achievement | state | consciousness | Magician Quotes | Ten of Spades Quotes |
Immanuel Kant “All our knowledge begins with the senses, proceeds then to the understanding, and ends with reason. There is nothing higher than reason.” - Immanuel KantIn topics: nothing | reason | knowledge | proceeds | understanding | Emperor Quotes | Queen of Clubs Quotes |
April 19, 2024
Two of Diamonds
Card of the Day
Two of Diamonds

Quote of the Day
William Somerset Maugham “One can be very much in love with a woman without wishing to spend the rest of one's life with her.” - William Somerset Maugham