Quotes » Jack Nicholson quotes

Jack Nicholson Quotes

Jack Nicholson

After decades among Hollywood's most respected actors, Jack Nicholson has become a movie icon on a par with such old-time stars as Humphrey Bogart or John Wayne.

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Jack Nicholson “The minute that you're not learning I believe you're dead.” - Jack Nicholson
In topics: minute | learning | dead | Magician Quotes | Queen of Clubs Quotes |
Jack Nicholson “You only lie to two people in your life, your girlfriend and the police.” - Jack Nicholson
In topics: people | life | girlfriend | police | Magician Quotes | Queen of Clubs Quotes |

Jack Nicholson “Don't ever give anybody your best advice, because they're not going to follow it.” - Jack Nicholson
In topics: best | going | give | advice | Magician Quotes | Queen of Clubs Quotes |
Jack Nicholson “We are going as fast as we can as soon as we can. We're in a race against time, until we run out of money.” - Jack Nicholson
In topics: money | going | fast | race | time | Magician Quotes | Queen of Clubs Quotes |
February 10, 2025
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Jack Nicholson “You only lie to two people in your life, your girlfriend and the police.” - Jack Nicholson