Three of Spades Karma Cousin
The Three of Spades as Karma Cousin suggests artistic talents, creative inspiration and versatility. You can easily find success through personal self-expression, whether through your work or other interests. If you find it difficult to define your objectives or life purpose, however, you may experience self-doubt or find it hard to live up to your inspired ideas. Nevertheless, gregarious and friendly, you are often lucky with money an with your strong sense of justice, you are fair and loyal.
Three of Spades Quotes

Three is the number of Trinity. Threes want to be loved. They inhibit the creative drive that seeks expression. Number 3 departure from the Number 2 - the source of balance and harmony, and so it's always looking to find this balance in creating something new. There is an urge in self expression and variety. Talkative and highly communicative, Threes can relate to many different cultures and concepts due to the flexibility hidden in this number. Music, arts are excellent outlets of Threes creativity. The biggest challenge of all Threes is uncertainty. Easily getting bored, they can move from one job to another, switch projects and lovers. The high creative force of Threes can lead them either happiness or unhappiness. One who understands his or her goals and a makes a major decision in life, who follows it directly and straight up without worry and uncertainty, achieves heights other numbers can only dream about. The number Three (3) is the closest number to the Source, but the Light may become a Dynamite when there is deviation and the pursuit of temptation.Spades