Ace of Diamonds Karma Card
The Ace of Diamonds symbolizes a desire for financial success. It is a foundation for all kinds of projects. What you can do with your motivation depends on you – either it will be a solid foundation that will stand for decades or a building that will crumble to dust in a few years. The realms of love and material wealth can act detrimental to one another. If material goals are satisfied, love is missing. If emotions are entitled to rule judgments, it doesn't feel right. The combination of two Aces develops innovative, original and unconventional individuality. You can come up with compelling solutions that may seem unusual but work well. Mysterious sources of financial wealth may become a tool for tantric transformation - perhaps profound spiritual healing.
Ace of Diamonds Quotes

Ace suit suggests a strong sense of independence, desire to excel and to lead. It is the most ambitious card and can bring those who identified with it to the greatest heights. "Dream the impossible dream" is the deepest motivation of these people, and the hidden motive is self-acceptance. Ace promotes masculine energy expressed as action and accomplishment. Aces represent Desire. It can be desire to love, knowledge, wealth or wisdom. Aces aren't usually know for their patience, because they have so much to accomplish in this lifetime and so little time to do it and there's no time to stay and look inside themselves, or waiting for others. They may appear selfish at times, but it comes from a compelling urge for freedom and action, and preoccupation to establish their own identity.Diamonds